How to Start a Beauty Salon: Tips to Nail It on Day One!

How to open a beauty salon
How to open a beauty salon


The beauty industry, pulsating with energy, innovation, and allure, serves as a testament to humanity’s ever-evolving standards of aesthetics and self-care. As you ponder on possible ventures, consider this: starting a beauty salon is not just about joining a lucrative trade, but also about creating spaces where transformations occur, both externally and internally. It is all about creating emotions and experiences for the client.

Finding the Perfect Spot

Every entrepreneur knows: location, location, location. It’s the mantra that can make or break any business venture. Position yourself on the bustling high street, and you’re in the throes of heavy footfall, potential walk-ins, and undeniable visibility. But remember, such prime spots often come with prime costs. On the other hand, the hidden gems, often nestled in quaint neighbourhoods, offer intimacy, perhaps reduced rental rates, and the chance to become a beloved local treasure. But are they too obscure? It will all depend on your initial budget. Look into accessing business grants.

beauty salon location

Concept and Branding

Your salon, much like an art piece, is an expression. It needs its unique identity, something that transcends beyond mere aesthetics. Dive deep into crafting a niche for your salon, a theme, or a vibe, if you will. Then, personify it. Through a meticulously chosen logo, through deliberate colour schemes, craft a signature look that makes one think – “Ah, that’s unmistakably [Your Salon’s Name]”. We said this many times, branding is not something for an unexperienced person. When you start a business let a professional do your branding. This means that they will help you find a suitable name, with no competition on google, easy to remember and with no other businesses using similar names. It must be unique. Unexperienced people go for common names, and this attracts numerous problems: competition in search results, copyright issues etc. Your branding needs to be spot-on from the beginning as changing it later can be very expensive.

First Impressions Count

Ever walked into a place and felt an immediate connection? That’s the magic of interiors and ambiance. As for your salon, this is where patrons will spend their time, so ensure the entrance screams ‘welcome’. A fusion of opulent yet comfy furniture, perhaps? Spend time researching other salons. See what styles they use. Of course, never copy what they did. Add your own twist to their styles. Be original.

Now, speaking of lighting, it’s not just illumination. It’s a mood-setter. Warm, soft glows for those relaxing spa days, or perhaps bright, lively lights for a bustling weekday. There are so many YouTube videos that will teach you how to use lights in a salon.

beauty salon first impression

Essential Equipment

A craftsman is only as good as his tools, so ensuring your salon is decked with the essential equipment from day one is pivotal. From swanky hairdressing chairs to state-of-the-art facial machines, some expenses can’t be skimped on. However, remember, not everything requires splurging. Sometimes, a keen eye on sales or opting for slightly lesser-known brands can save the coffers without compromising quality. It will depend on what services you will offer but if you do some research, you will find lists of what you need. Another thing you can do is to find beauty salon equipment distributors. Go on their website and thoroughly go through all their products. This will give you an idea of what is available and what you need.

Start-up costs

Like any other business, there are start-up cost involved. Speaking to various beauty salon owners I managed to gather accurate information on how much it costs to start a beauty salon. The startup cost for a beauty salon ranged between £15,000 and £25,000. The bulk of the money was spent on:

  • equipment
  • refurbishment
  • furniture
  • rent and deposit
  • website and appointment software
  • branding and marketing
  • EPOS (points of sale)
  • wages
  • licenses, and business insurance.

Take your time, do your research on prices, and get multiple quotes. By doing this, you can save a lot of money during the start-up process. Important: always have a few thousands spare. Don’t spend all your money during the start-up process.

A good business plan can give you a clear picture of your cashflow. It will help you better understand how your business is expected to perform and you will see where your money goes (expenses).

beauty salon prices

Hiring the Dream Team

An exceptional salon experience is oftentimes less about the place and more about the people. So, where does one find these wizards of beautification? From beauty schools to job boards – cast your net wide. But here’s the true conundrum: retention. It’s paramount to foster an environment of growth, respect, and genuine camaraderie, ensuring the turnover remains low and morale, sky-high.

Look for enthusiastic and positive people. They must be polite and kind, being able to offer good customer service. Of course, their skills are important, but I would focus on their personality. Skills can be taught.

Services on Offer

In the realm of beauty, one can’t be all things to all people. Hence, specialisation becomes key. Do you envision a niche salon offering perhaps just bespoke hair treatments, or a full-service haven? Will you offer services only for women, or men as well? In this ever-evolving industry, it’s also pivotal to remain up to date with the latest trends, ensuring your clientele always gets the crème de la crème.

Test the waters, see what sells better in your area. Prospecting, being able to adapt is one of the skills that you must have as a business owner.

Setting the Right Price Point

While your services are par excellence, they shouldn’t require patrons breaking their banks. Establishing a fair price point requires research, understanding market rates, and then positioning yourself judiciously. And while promotions are fabulous for attracting clientele, ensure they don’t inadvertently devalue your brand.

What you pocket depends on what you charge for your treatments, minus the bills and costs you’ve got to cover. So, setting the right price for your services is crucial. It’s a balancing act – you want to make sure you can earn a bit, but you also don’t want to scare off potential customers with sky-high prices.

Top-notch salons can pull in £2,500 to £4,000 a month for a stylist who’s always booked up. So, depending on how big your place is, you can have a think about what you might earn. Run your salon right, and you could be looking at anywhere between £25,000 to £50,000 a month, or even more.

But, a word to the wise – don’t expect to be rolling in cash from day one. It might take a good few months, or even longer, before you see more money coming in than going out. Still, chin up! Once you’ve made your mark and got a steady flow of customers, the potential for a tidy profit is there. Just keep at it and give it time.


Licenses and Legalities

Starting a salon isn’t just about the glamour; it’s also about manoeuvring through the intricate dance of bureaucracy. From acquiring the necessary permits to ensuring every nook and cranny is health and safety compliant, it’s imperative to keep everything above board.

Here is a checklist around the legalities for a beauty salon:

Health and Safety with Beauty Products:

  • Obtain hazard sheets for all beauty products used in the salon.
  • Assess the safety of products that may contain harmful substances.
  • Use protection like powder-free, vinyl gloves.
  • Ensure clean, running water is near areas handling chemicals.
  • Store products securely in a cool, dry, dark place.
  • Follow instructions on product labels.
  • Consider substituting chemicals with safer products.

Health and Safety with Salon Equipment:

  • Check all equipment and tools for safe and hygienic use.
  • Consider the risk of legionella bacteria from water systems.
  • Register with relevant bodies if offering treatments involving intense pulsed light systems or lasers.
  • Sterilise reusable equipment that can be contaminated with blood.
  • Keep the work area clean and maintain equipment in effective working order.
  • Sterilise reusable equipment as soon as possible after use.

First Aid:

  • Have a first aid kit on-site and an accident book for recording work-based accidents.
  • Consult a health and safety professional for an audit of your premises.
  • Provide first aid training for staff.

Outsourcing Health and Safety Needs:

  • Outsourcing can reduce the risk of not operating within health and safety law.
  • A competent person is required to ensure health and safety compliance.
  • Outsourcing can provide 24/7 telephone access to an advisor and email support.

Regulations Checklist:

  • Obtain licenses and register your salon or spa with your local authority or council.
  • Ensure you’re licensed to carry out each of your treatments.


Marketing Magic for Day One

In today’s digital age, an online presence isn’t just recommended; it’s essential. A sleek, user-friendly website can work wonders. And then, there’s social media – the modern word-of-mouth. Teasers, countdowns, behind-the-scenes glimpses – ignite the anticipation before you even fling open those salon doors. Do not attempt this on your own. See if you have anybody in the family or your circle of friends that can help you with the marketing. Leave this to the PRO please. We have seen so many salons that failed due to poor branding and marketing. Throwing text over pictures on Canva is not the way for good marketing; there is a lot more to it. There is a reason why people have full time jobs in marketing, digital design, social media experts and branding.

Grand Opening Day

The day of days! Consider throwing a launch party – a mix of glitz, glamour, and, of course, beauty. And in this journey, remember, allies are invaluable. Collaborate with local businesses, perhaps a nearby café or boutique, fostering a sense of community and mutual promotion.

Here are some creative ideas to make your beauty salon’s opening day a grand and memorable event:

  1. Red Carpet Entrance: Roll out the red carpet at the entrance to make every guest feel like a VIP.
  2. Live Demonstrations: Organise live demonstrations of some of your signature treatments or hairstyling techniques. This provides potential clients with a sneak peek of what they can expect.
  3. Goodie Bags: Prepare goodie bags with sample beauty products, discount vouchers for future appointments, and branded merchandise.
  4. Photo Booth: Set up a fun photo booth with beauty-themed props. It’s a fun activity and promotes social media sharing.
  5. Champagne & Canapés: Offer guests champagne or non-alcoholic sparkling drinks paired with bite-sized snacks.
  6. Beauty Influencer Appearance: Collaborate with a local beauty influencer or blogger to grace your event, offering legitimacy and drawing their followers to your salon.
  7. Interactive Workshops: Arrange for mini beauty workshops like ‘Quick skincare routines’ or ‘5-minute makeup hacks’.
  8. Loyalty Cards: Introduce a loyalty card scheme on the opening day, encouraging repeat visits.
  9. Live Music or DJ: Having ambient music or even a live band can set the mood and make the atmosphere lively.
  10. Flash Sales: Offer limited-time deals for those booking their appointments on the opening day.
  11. Theme: Have a theme for your opening, such as “Vintage Glam” or “Modern Elegance” and decorate the salon accordingly.
  12. Free Consultations: Offer complimentary 10-minute beauty consultations to guests, giving them personalised recommendations.
  13. Raffle Draw: Host a raffle with the prize being a comprehensive beauty treatment or a basket of premium beauty products.
  14. Local Art Display: Collaborate with local artists to display their artwork, combining culture with beauty and possibly drawing a different audience.
  15. Fashion Show: Organise a mini fashion show highlighting hair and makeup looks offered by your salon.
  16. Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses for cross-promotion. A nearby cafe could cater your event, or a local boutique could showcase some of their wares.
  17. Kid’s Corner: Set up a small area with activities for kids, ensuring parents can enjoy the event without worries.
  18. Feedback Station: Create a space where attendees can leave their feedback and suggestions, showing them that their opinion matters.
  19. Behind-the-scenes Tours: Offer a behind-the-scenes look at your salon, introducing the team and showcasing the facilities.
  20. Social Media Buzz: Create a specific hashtag for your event and encourage guests to post and share their experiences.
beauty salon opening day


For any beauty salon aiming to establish its credibility and ensure smooth operations, having qualified therapists isn’t just a mark of excellence—it’s often a necessity. At the very least, all therapists working under your banner should possess a certification.

But there’s another dimension to this equation—insurance. Operating a salon isn’t without its risks. From potential allergic reactions to unforeseen injuries, there’s a multitude of scenarios where having the right insurance coverage can save your business from financial setbacks. Interestingly, many insurance providers are particularly meticulous about the qualifications of your therapists. In fact, a significant number might outright decline to offer coverage if your staff members don’t hold specific qualifications. Among these, a Level 2 or 3 NVQ is often cited. This or an equivalent certification stands as a benchmark, reassuring insurance companies of your salon’s adherence to industry standards.


Starting a beauty salon is an exhilarating blend of passion, challenge, and immense potential. As you embrace the journey of entrepreneurship, remember, it’s not just about day one, but the many golden days thereafter. With dedication, flair, and the right tips in your arsenal, success is not just a possibility; it’s a beautiful certainty.

Interested in starting a beauty salon?

We can help you with:

  • website
  • branding
  • suppliers
  • flyers
  • registering the business
  • contracts/documents
  • licenses
  • adding you on Google
  • marketing
  • social media accounts